Tuesday, July 29, 2008


As a slow Sunday afternoon experiment, I began moving photos from my computer onto Flickr. I was impressed with how easy it was to tag and organize into sets. I thought if I could transfer a few then I could play around with Animoto. Animoto was fun and easy, but it was difficult to find music on Animoto that I liked and matched the project and I was too lazy to find and upload my own. The frustration came when the project was visually good, but the music not. When I eventually found music that suited, the video was jumpy and fractured. No matter how I trimmed and edited the number of photos, the two shots I most wanted were never included. Could not figure out why. One video has been stuck in rendering for more than 24 hours, and another has "exploded," and when it's fixed they will let me know.
Animoto was a great time waster. I kept hoping for something wonderful, and so I kept trying one more time. I'm sure there is something out there that is fun, simple to use, and offers more control. I've just got to find it. Any ideas?


  1. Animoto is great most of the time, but since it is still a beta site, it has some issues. Just wait, you'll get an unexpected email saying your video is ready. It just might take a day or so. I actually paid the membership fee so I can use as many photos as I want. I have a bunch of raccoon pictures (stealing birdseed) that I want to try. Persistence is the key to animoto.

  2. Thanks, it eventually worked out and I finally got what I wanted and sent it off to family. Next I want to try with my own music. I think Animoto emails are being blocked...not even arriving in Junk.
